Luke Hall

Luke Hall

Youth voice advocate, campaigner, and global speaker
The missing voice: What we aren’t talking about within the school food sector.
  • Why lived experience in so important in designing effective solutions
  • What the current state of school food looks like for the average young person
    • Importance of Free School Meals
    • Importance of School Food Standards
  • Where is the ownness/who is responsible for where we are now
    • Variation between schools/academies/trusts
    • Govt funding
  • What we can do to make school food better for everyone
    • From a companies/catering standpoint
    • From a govt/lobbying standpoint

Luke specialises in youth advocacy and promoting the power of youth voice at the heart of meaningful engagement and effective campaign strategies. In 2023 he petitioned Parliament on Free School Meals - garnering over 300,000 signatures - as well as speaking in the House of Commons. He continues to push on this and other school food related issues.

His expertise within youth voice comes from leading on campaigns with the British Youth Council and youth activist organisation Bite Back whilst also working with the UN, WHO and UNICEF to empower those most affected.